Monday, April 5, 2010

Cheesemaking Update

My cheesemaking turned out well. I made regular soft goat cheese and added cinnamon and sugar for a cinnamon cream cheese. It still has the tart flavor of goat cheese but it doesn't have that "goaty" taste. I also made ricotta with the leftover whey that was SOOO good. Way better than the ricotta bought in the store. I made stuffed manicotti with it. I wish the yield was better but its still good considering your using left over whey. Since I still don't have a cheese press my next cheese will be mozzarella. Yesterday we made a HunnyBunny Easter Breakfast. Here was the menu: egg bake with sausage and hashbrowns, cinnamon bread from scratch with buttermilk, buttermilk waffles, banana bread, fruit, orange juice and goat milk. It was very good and all turned out well.

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