Sunday, March 28, 2010

HunnyBunny Udder Wipes

My adventures in milking continue. Its taking a lot of practice and patience to get back into this goat milking thing. For both me and the goats! Typically Hunny is easier to milk because her udder is larger and fits my hand easier, plus the milk comes out faster so I can get the job done before she runs out of patience with me. Bunny is younger and her udder is not as large. Her milk comes out slower and its harder for me to get a grip on. Today I could have had more milk from her but she was done with me so I let her go back to her babies. We did better than yesterday so that's progress. The last two days I have separated them from their kids for about 5 hours and I've been getting about 1/2 gallon of milk total. Its enough for now. I used to bring soapy water and wash their udder before milking but this week I made "HunnyBunny Wipes". Based on a recipe for homemade baby wipes I created a special blend for my girls. I cut a roll of paper towels in half, took out the cardboard roll and put it in the perfect size container. Then I added a mixture of water, peppermint oil (for circulation & milk letdown), tea tree oil (antibacterial) and vitamin E (skin conditioning). This is working really well and so much easier than a hauling around a bucket of soapy water. Plus they always smell minty fresh! They also make great hand wipes for me to use.

Here are pictures of Hunny and Bunny the day they had their kids. They are crossbred to our 100% Boer Billy so I call the kids "Toggenboers":)

1 comment:

  1. would you be interesting in sharing this recipe for your udder wipes?
